Saturday, 23 February 2008

It's Just A Rock!

The song goes 'Diamonds Are Forever' ....the sad fact is that despite the Kimberley Process some still suffer horrendous agonies due to the pure vanity and greed of others. Consider what real value diamonds have in life and what their cost may have meant to others. Always check for a Certificate of Origin and check that carefully, the system is still abused.
I will let the pictures speak for themselves...Helen

Friday, 8 February 2008

Fly - New York Film Academy

Having worked in film and tv - albeit a number of years ago - I have to say I find Leo's work really inspiring. There's more, much more to see and learn each time to view his films. Paul Klerr is also a fabulously contemporary piece that can't help but captivate an audience. This is my favourite however, and with his permission, I am now sharing this with you. Please do check out his works on You Tube - and Nick Patten, get in touch I want to pick your brains.

Ciao for now. H