An exquisite blend of music, art and talent from Italian group, Vick Frida, that I wanted to share.
Veloce is taken from the first album 'Cine_Pop' which has just been released in Italy. For the band which is headed up by Enrico Fridlevski, influences are extremely diverse hence the sound is wonderfully unique.
Sit back and enjoy this musical breath of fresh air...then go buy a copy!
Friday, 4 July 2008
Saturday, 23 February 2008
It's Just A Rock!
I will let the pictures speak for themselves...Helen

Friday, 8 February 2008
Fly - New York Film Academy
Having worked in film and tv - albeit a number of years ago - I have to say I find Leo's work really inspiring. There's more, much more to see and learn each time to view his films. Paul Klerr is also a fabulously contemporary piece that can't help but captivate an audience. This is my favourite however, and with his permission, I am now sharing this with you. Please do check out his works on You Tube - and Nick Patten, get in touch I want to pick your brains.
Ciao for now. H
Thursday, 4 October 2007
Come And Share Some Passion...
Indulge me! After what can only be described as a 'slow and sluggish' flight back from Italy, I have to say this is the closest I seem to get to REALLY fly these days....sit back and enjoy the flight!
Sunday, 30 September 2007
Its A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Man's World!
Where am I heading with this? well a few places really though whether in the grand scheme of things anything will change, I doubt it!
Recently on a flight home, the voice of the captain confirmed expected flight path, the weather conditions, expected time of arrival, other usual flight information and wished us a pleasant flight. Nothing unusual in that until this rather nervous elderly lady sitting next to me sighed wearily and said, "I do wish these emancipated women would leave these types of jobs to the men they were meant for".
I looked back at her and smiled, "Are you nervous?" I asked. She replied only of the fact that a woman was flying the plane.
"Don't worry, I said, "If anything happens to her or the co-pilot, I can bring it in, but the landing may be a little bumpy"
She initially looked affronted, then laughed nervously and we enjoyed a very pleasurable flight. COMPARED TO the flight I had back from a holiday with my children which was handled by the co-pilot! Turbulence I recognise as I do loss of control! It may have only been for about 10 seconds but during the descent the co-pilot lost control of the silver bird. Some short hops I appreciate are air mile building sessions - this was one of them....and I didn't appreciate being part of the livestock on a training session. Queue for the on-board loo whilst waiting for the connector was quite long - the first one in had been the male co-pilot! Need I say more?
Now don't get me wrong there are some jobs that due to their physical nature are just better suited for a male role. Firefighting would be one of them - not because women are incapable, but because it is so physically demanding and they are responsible for each other inside a 'job'. Going in in pairs they have to be able to pull the other one out 'deadweight' if necessary. There are few women I know who even with training would be able to pull a 17 stone man 'deadweight' from a burning building etc....however that's another story and I digress.
Recently I was at a major corporate event within a technical industry. I was one of three women in attendance - of course initially it was convivial. However, you could feel there was a hesitancy in the room, a questioning for those that did not know any of us as to why and how we could breach a male domain. As the evening flowed so did the alcohol and for some it was evident that they were not used to handling it. Handling what you may ask? Women on their territory. They became base, rude, crude and vulgar. Chilling to think some of these men were in extremely influential positions both corporately and politically. Even more bizarrely I was stunned at how threatened they felt by two female managing directors and one financial director. My one colleague is the joint chair of a large holding company that actually is a major customer to some that were in that room. Yes, start sweating boys, for boys you are. Suffice it to say, sharp verbal slaps soon re-established us - probably as frigid bitches but we left with our respect in tact. I am afraid to say they didn't.
Ridiculous I know, that I should feel so spurred by this particular event when there are many places on this planet where women can't even walk out of the door without being covered from head to foot in one form of shroud or another. There are women who are beaten into submission and raped in their own home, there are women born to servitude, prostitution the list is endless. However, in a world that likes to call itself civilised - those 'gentlemen' and others who continue to perpetuate the myth that females are the 'inferior' sex merely clarify that as a species we have barely left the cave. Totally crazy and how terribly sad.
Tuesday, 24 July 2007
Savouring Regeneration.
1999 Helen Louise and my younger son William.
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
A Tragedy Relating To Tragedy

Monday, 9 July 2007
Refreshing Approach To Damage Limitation !
We also do cut-glass decanters on a silver platter that your butler can serve you drinks on for £4.95. People say 'How can you do this for such a low price?' I say, because it's total crap.
Friday, 29 June 2007
Arthur Brown - Fire it does...and so it goes on...spare a thought for those who have to deal with it on a daily basis and exactly what the torture of the flame means...(bloody great song though!) H
Arsonists may enjoy the 'eloquence, movement and sound' of the flame, but for those who live with the reality of extinguishing the associated pain, things are not quite so simplistic.
From a personal perspective I have seen the damage of the flame both externally and internally. It bores into the soul of each and every firefighter across the planet. They are unique and are united in an understanding that we in general, cannot hope to understand. Irrespective of the circumstance they bludgeon their way through adversity knowing it is quite simply a 'part of the job' over which they have no control, and ultimately they acknowledge that there is little recognition. But in the UK they are also responsible for RTA's (road traffic accidents) which can be gruesome to say the least - imagine cutting your wife and child out of a car that was crushed by the driver of an articulated lorry who fell asleep at the wheel- and yes that is a reality, one that was suffered by the colleague of a friend of mine.
Imagine hauling a bloated dead body from a canal, or scraping together the remnants of a human being after a bomb explostion. Hmm - not nice. Imagine that as part of your job remit!!
In life it is all too easy to bypass the everyday attrocities that are faced by those who take it as just part of their job. This can be those at war or those who are left to clear up the carnage of a bomb explosion in a civilian area.
All too often the heroism of the firefighters is negated.
Along with Fire Rescue, they are trained in CPR, RT rescue, chemical 'spillages' with the philosophy 'To Serve and Protect' - they stand above most. The pressures put upon them by the bureaucracy of governments is nullified by red tape - and it stinks.
When you go to work perhaps you systematically switch on your pc, upload information, dictate proposals and look for recognition in one form or another. THINK! Think beyond the boundaries.
There are those out there who wait for the sound of a klaxon, knowing that the call out may be their last. Sounds dramatic? Perhaps but it is very real. Every day repeats itself for these guys on every shift they run. Each and every firefighter faces this every time the 'bells go down'. They face it every day and not just once a day but every time that klaxon sounds. Think about it, - who else would put their life on the line not knowing you!?
The media platform in the UK has been extremely detrimental to the UK Firefighters...they deserve better. So much better!
The job takes so much more than guts - to each and every one of them - I salute and respect you.
For Larry and Foxy - H
Monday, 25 June 2007
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Saturday, 2 June 2007
The Human Condition

Thursday, 31 May 2007
Hitting All The Right Notes

Avant Rock is the style but I feel that it is difficult to restrict Josh's work to a genre - he is incredibly diverse - muscially and personally (in a good way).
The band is Joshuah, the music is great, go dip into listen to the snippets and you will hear what I mean.
I 'Wish' you would put my favourite on as the mainplay Josh.
Friday, 25 May 2007
A Winning Streak For Pilkington Aintree

"Many procedural advances have occurred in respect of IGU manufacturers as well as some industry directives that have had a major impact on insulating glass manufacturing. Whether looking at a window or sealded conservatory roofr unit, these changes have been introduced to improve the market for the installer and ultimately the end user.
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
Help Madeleine

Tuesday, 8 May 2007
How to market yourself right?
Marketing is one of the terms in academia that does not have one commonly agreed upon definition. Even after a better part of a century the debate continues. In a nutshell it consists of the social and managerial processes by which products, services and value are exchanged in order to fulfill individual's or group's needs and wants. These processes include, but are not limited to, advertising.[1]
Advertising is paid and/or sometimes free communication through a medium in which the sponsor is identified and the message is controlled. Variations include publicity, public relations, product placement, sponsorship, underwriting, and sales promotion. Every major medium is used to deliver these messages, including: television, radio, movies, magazines, newspapers, the Internet, and billboards. Advertisements can also be seen on the seats of grocery carts, on the walls of an airport walkway, on the sides of buses, heard in telephone hold messages and in-store PA systems. Advertisements are usually placed anywhere an audience can easily and/or frequently access visuals and/or audio, especially on clothing.
So as an example: What is this Video? Marketing or Advertising? Of what?